Glossodia: 02 4576 7499    |     South Windsor: 02 4577 6233    |
  • See a podiatrist regularly. Do your diabetic foot assessment (typically annually). Come in for your general foot and nail care appointments too (average appointment gap is 6-8 weeks) but you may need more or less depending on your situation.
  • Check your feet daily for hard skin, redness, blisters, and skin breaks. If you find a problem see your podiatrist or doctor as soon as possible. You are looking for anything unusual that might be a problem or suggest a problem is developing (eg. shoes rubbing might leave a red mark). I have been known to say “Above all else check your feet daily…”  to my patients. You get the idea – it is very important.  If you have difficulty reaching your feet then check them using a mirror, take some pictures on your phone, or get someone else to check them for you.
  • Make sure your footwear fits well. If the shoes are rubbing against your skin it is a problem – especially if you have loss of sensation in your feet! (peripheral neuropathy). Skin that rubs can go from callus, to corn to ulceration within a couple of weeks. It is not just tightly fitted or too small footwear to be aware of – overly loose or poorly secured footwear can rub against the skin too. Do not rely on shoes stretching. It is an extremely risky strategy for people with diabetes and the amount of stretch is always overestimated. Most shoes do not stretch these days. They must fit well in the shop on the day you purchased them.
  • Cut toenails straight across and gently file rough edges. Never cut down the edge of your toenails as you may develop ingrown toenails. If you are having problems with recurring irritation in the corners or edges of your nails then see your podiatrist.
  • Wear clean socks and stockings each day. Avoid prominent seams. Clean out your shoes regularly. Check check footwear for signs of deterioration and rough areas – especially on the inside.